The Retreat provides an eclectic, compassionate, family oriented professional treatment to persons presenting with substance use disorders and their significant others. The Retreat is based on an eclectic model employing community as method and self help concepts of substance use disorder treatment.
We are a Community
Of Hope and Love

About Our Journey and Purpose
Individualized treatment plans provide professional counseling, medical, social and spiritual attention. The design of the model is based on years of research and studying what works in addiction treatment and recovery in Africa and the rest of the world. We treat each person who comes to us with respect, dignity and fun while providing a safe place in which to heal.
We are Committed to Quality
Our Mission
Is to work together, provide care in substance use disorders that is evidence based, ethical and cost effective and to offer relevant training.
Our Vision
Is to achieve and maintain the highest possible level of care and training in substance use disorders.
Our Core Values
Gratitude, Humility, Honesty, Courage, Respect, service and Faith.
Our Key Team Members
Dr. Marx M.O. Okonji
Dr. Marx Okonji is registered by the Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board as a Medical Practitioner and is currently in private practice. He is also a consultant psychiatrist at Nairobi Hospital, Mater Hospital, Aga Khan and MP Shah Hospital.
Dr. Frank Njenga
Dr. Frank Njenga has been in private practice for the past 21years and is an active participant in social, political and medical fields in Kenya, Africa and the World. He has previously served as President of African Association of Psychiatrists and Allied Professions (AAPAP) and a member of the Publications Committee of WPA.
Dr. Pius Akivaga Kigamwa
Dr. Kigamwa has been in practice for 18 years and he holds an MBChB and MMed (Psychiatry) from the University of Nairobi and Certificate in Community Psychiatry from the University of The Orange Free State. He has previously worked at Machakos District Hospital, Embu Provincial General Hospital and also served as a Secretary of the Kenya Psychiatric Association.
Dr.Anna Nguithi
Dr. Anna Nguithi is in practice and has been a partner with F.G. Njenga & Nguithi Associates for more that (15) fifteen years. She has served at the Ministry of Health as the District Psychiatrist for Kiambu and a Consultant Psychiatrist at Kenyatta National Hospital.
Dr. Frederick Richard Owiti
Dr. Frederick Owiti has been in private practice for the past 22 years and has a MRCPPsych from the University of London and an MB CH.B from the University of Nairobi. He has previously worked at Mathari Hospital as Senior House Officer in Psychiatry and also served as a consultant Psychiatrist for the Ministry of Health.